In the midst of applying varnish and purchasing linens for the 'double' bungalow, the '3 bedrooms' bungalow and the 'quadruple' bedroom ... I always make sure to get back to the essential: Relax, meditate, and prepare the space spiritually & energetically.
I burn incense, palo santo, sage… I meditate daily so that zen-ness infuses all the rooms… I practice asanas in the mezzanine, do gigong in the garden. I return peacefully to my body every time my head soars towards the future ... I marvel continuously at the splendor of nature. During the day, I observe the ebb and flow of the ocean, the dance of the branches of Ravinala. In the evening, floating on the water, I am staring at the stars and watching the fireflies. I give thanks for this abundance of beauty.
The practice of energy medicine, of various techniques of "personal and spiritual development", and especially the moments of play and of mingling, create the mental and emotional space in me and for me in order to be able to welcome you fully.
