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Updated: May 2, 2022

New life and new home, here I am! My bags are ready, my one-way ticket is taken, I leave the “mainland” for Nosy-Be.

I inherit from the former owners of two dogs, Belle and Guapa, experts in downward and upward facing dog (and even more in upside down). Also a tiny Turtle who circulates incognito in his mobile home. And two ninja geese who are our best alarms, and ready to fight with anyone trying to invade their territory (including me).

Administrations and stores treat me pretty well. People have the time and the desire to talk, to exchange views, to get to know each other. Gaby the carpenter made some pretty furniture and yoga blocks for me. I order mattresses... that instead of arriving within 10 days are still not arrived after more than a month.

Workers are from the village, and stay within a 5-minute walk from Om̐ Sweet Om̐.

My passion for local development is still very active (it was my former job), so I only collaborate with nearby providers (within 3 kilometers). Apart from the accommodation and the sessions of meditation and yoga, everything will be outsourced to the actors of the village: restaurateurs, guides, boatmen, crafts persons... Everyone shares what he has to offer, in a collaborative, fair and benevolent dynamic. Win Win ^_^

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