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Updated: May 2, 2022

In July 2019, I decided to take a break from cooperation for development. Something was no longer aligned. The configuration of cooperation interventions and the configuration of my workdays no longer seemed to carry impact and meaning. The constant progress and growth I’ve experienced for 20 years became blurry. I felt the urge to bring my presence down from my head to my body, from outside to inside, from doing to being and feeling.

I gave myself 1 or 2 years.

Therefore, I went to India to get my yoga certification, to Indonesia to deepen my traditional Tantra practice, then to Thailand for a few weeks of ascetic retreat in the forest with my Meditation Master, and I ended up in Koh Phangan to learn new and zesty techniques (Osho active meditations, neo-tantra, BioDanza ...).

On March 29, 2020, I rushed back home before flights to Madagascar were suspended as a preventive measure for the COVID pandemic.

Then began long months of lockdown alone, in town, in my cozy apartment, while I had planned to spend few months in Argentina for a full-time Tango training...

Here was my chance to do a long Savasana (or at least put an end to ergomania), to integrate and practice all the methods of incubation of joy and serenity I had accumulated during 30 years.

I danced, I painted, I meditated, I did sadhanas, rituals, active imagination, inner dialogue, decluttering, asanas ... I felt good ... With nowhere to go and nothing to do ... For the 1st time, I had all the needed space to welcome everything: the good, the bad and the ugly.

It was then decided: as soon as movements inside the country are authorized again, I will look for my Center, for my Yoga & Meditation Shala.

Unify the Yin and the Yang Paths 👭

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